Monday, June 24, 2013


Remember the movie Cocoon where a group of elderly people in a retirement complex get into a pool that rejuvenates them?  That's exactly how I feel every Friday and Sundays.

I like exercising but I hate the gym.  I don't have the patience and attention for weights or the treadmill. My mind on a treadmill goes something like this: ok let's do this is set...ok jogging...let's watch the news meanwhile...oh the headphones don't work...ok neck is beginning to hurt...what happened in Syria? neck is really bothering me....why isn't her neck hurting next to me...I'm thirsty...getting tired...ugh that Wendy's commercial made me hungry...maybe I should get some after here, after all I'm earning it...what? she's been running for 30 mins?!....Im bored...I only been doing this for 5mins!...

So I found an exercise that I love in swimming. Every time I go into the pool I feel like I leave everything bad in the water.  I feel reborn and cleansed of every bad energy.  To make my exercise regime more interesting I started going to the water aerobics class my gym offers.  So every Friday morning and Sunday at noon I exercise with mostly elderly in the water.

 When I first went I honestly thought it was going to be a waste of time thinking that the instructor was going to tame it down for this old folks.  Not the case!  The class is composed with a very eclectic age group and instructor Jenni Lynn Patterson doesn't hold back.  For an hour of almost non stop moves which includes the use of weights and a noodle, Jenni takes you on a very fun journey that leaves you renewed and with a smile in your face.   Jenni is the creator of S'WET which uses a variety of moves taken from boxing, cross country, ballet, yoga, and even cheerleading!  All of this inside water since its is known that water adds hydrostatic pressure that open your blood vessels wider allowing the flow of more oxygenated blood which lets your muscles work more efficiently with less pain.

Not only I enjoy and feel the effectiveness of the class but I am also in awe of this elderly that come to do it.  It makes me admire the fact that they are still active at their age.  I take my hat off to them, knowing they have lived but still feel young enough to do this.  Many might think that they feed on the energy of the young ones but I believe its the other way around.  I feel that we take the most amazing energy from them every time we get in the water.  Just like Cocoon!

For  more info on Jenni Lynn Patterson go to her website

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