Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The EX-Files

Last Saturday I went to a Birthday party.  It was the birthday of my ex's best friend.  Needless to say that I am friend's with all my exes.  I have always believed that people are put in our path for a reason.  I believe that sometimes people come to our lives for a specific period of time so we can learn and move forward.  I don't see the need of hate and argument if the breakup is amicable.  I mean there was a reason that you were attracted to this person to begin with.  In other words, there were things that you loved and probably a few that you hated.  Why not cherish it as a learning experience and realize that just because you didn't worked as a couple doesn't mean you don't work as good friends.
The lady I was talking to was very mesmerized when I told her that I was actually friends with my ex's new boyfriend.  I remember when they started dating, my ex called me to let me know.  He needed reassurance that I was ok with it.  I was happy for him.  In the end, isn't that what is all about?  Seeing that person you cared, and still do because he will always be a big part of who you have become, move forward and try to find happiness.  When I realized it was serious, I invited them to dinner at my apartment.  I cooked and we even watched a movie.  I will never want any type of animosity.  Yes, I would have told him if I thought he was no good, as I will do to any friend, but that was not the case.
I only wonder if this progressive, which I like to think it is, way of thinking is more seeing in the gay world.  I mean when you think about it, in the gay world is the only place where two of your exes can end up dating.  Which I find not only fucked up but rather awkward. And extremely funny!  Just give it some thought for a second!

All I know is that I try to have great relationships with all my exes.  In fact I arrived to the party with my ex and his new boyfriend.  I joked that we should have walked in all holding hands to give the gossipers something to talk about.  "I told you Sam that they are all sleeping together!"  But they didn't think it was funny.  Hence why they are together...and I am not!

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