Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hookup Accidents

Hookup Accidents

Don't confuse it with accidental hookups!  It is not the same in any way what so ever even though one can lead to the other.  Something that started in Grindr and ended in blood...

Have you ever been in a situation where you are with someone and the craziest accident happens to you right in the middle of it. Yep, that's me!  I wish I could say my life is just a boring "tv-dinner in front of TV" type but that's not the case.  

About a week ago I decide to hookup with a guy that I've met through Grindr.  (To all my straight folks Grindr is an app where you can meet people to go on dates, blah, blah, blah...only thing is in the gay world we skip the dinning part most of the time!)  I go to the guy's apt and to my relief he resembled his pic.  Trust me this is quite important.  In the middle of what seemed a great hookup, I mean there was probably lube everywhere at this point, I decided to go grab a glass of water without realizing that his dog was my the foot of the bed. Next thing you know I have teeth biting on my toes and the dog wasn't ready to let go so I pulled my foot in what could be an automatic reaction.  Not only tI was in a lot of pain, now there iOS blood coming from my toes into the bed....

Let me tell you a few things....first is that the dog should not have been on the room.  They DO KNOW what's going on people and its like doing it in front of a child!  Just weird!  Second, if you do have a dog that tends to do this warn the person.  AND third apologize to the person not get angry 'cause now there's blood everywhere!  Yes motherfucker, mine! The one coming from my throbbing toes. 

Honestly I dunno if I finished or just left.  All I know is the next day I could not wear shoes and I had to go to an interview.  Here is a pic of the toes.  So be warned of people with pets in their bedrooms.  What is your story?

1 comment:

  1. I know you got hurt, but I have to say you made me laugh. You have quite an eventful life...
